Lu Wei
2016-08-04 13:51:43 UTC
I am seeking a way to have a specular flat surface of PTFE. Is there an
easy or cheap way to do this? Polishing with abrasive paper seems cannot
do this, for I tried polishing glass with abrasive paper only to
roughen it. Maybe coating of glass|mirror? I searched on the internet
that Carl-Zeiss has Teflon coated lenz, but they are for eye-glasses and
not flat. Any suggestions?
easy or cheap way to do this? Polishing with abrasive paper seems cannot
do this, for I tried polishing glass with abrasive paper only to
roughen it. Maybe coating of glass|mirror? I searched on the internet
that Carl-Zeiss has Teflon coated lenz, but they are for eye-glasses and
not flat. Any suggestions?
Lu Wei
PGP key ID: 0x A12F EF75 92CC E1EA
Lu Wei
PGP key ID: 0x A12F EF75 92CC E1EA